There are many decentralized wastewater treatment options available to small towns and communities. Here at Infiltrator we’ve had the privilege of working with communities, engineers, and installers to bring customized wastewater treatment options to these areas. Here are a few examples of how Infiltrator assisted small communities with fulfilling their wastewater treatment requirements and saving the expense of a wastewater treatment plant.
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Many of us have mentors that we look up to as wise practitioners and professional counsellors during our formative years as young engineers. These folks often have small tidbits of knowledge that transform how we think about a particular topic. I would like to share a few special pieces of wisdom that have been shared with me over the years.
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The Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) treatment system is a passive, non-mechanical secondary wastewater treatment system that provides both effluent treatment and dispersal in the same small footprint. Since the 1990’s, AES has been installed in residential and commercial wastewater treatment applications throughout the United States, Canada, and internationally in Europe and Australia. In addition to holding NSF/ANSI 40 and BNQ certification, the AES treatment system offers several benefits to septic system installers and homeowners.
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Winter weather is upon us in most parts of the country. If unused for periods of time during colder months, aerobic treatment units require special attention to ensure optimal performance when restarted. This week's blog post provides the winterization steps for four different use scenarios during colder months.
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With the winter weather encroaching in many areas, now is a great time to encourage homeowners to prepare their septic systems for cold weather with a few preventative maintenance tips. There’s never a good time for a septic system problem, hopefully sharing these tips with your customers will help eliminate a call or two during the cold winter months.
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