Oftentimes when faced with the task of designing or installing an onsite wastewater treatment system for a single-family home it’s not always as simple as a conventional septic system that includes a septic tank and drainfield. When a conventional septic system cannot be installed an advanced treatment system like the Infiltrator ECOPOD series will need to be explored.
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Corrugated shapes can be found in a variety of materials including but not limited to corrugated cardboard, plastic sheet, metal siding and roofing, and metal and thermoplastic pipe. The shapes within the corrugations provide greater strength to products than what they would have using just a flat sheet of the same material. For example, corrugated metal roofing is better able to support a heavy snow load than a flat sheet of the same metal. The advantage corrugated shapes provide is the creation of many small interconnected “beams” that collectively serve as reinforcing structures, leading to improved load-resisting capability. Infiltrator’s molded thermoplastic Quick4 and Arc chambers and IM-Series tanks employ corrugated designs.
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Convenience stores generate hundreds to thousands of gallons of high strength wastewater each day requiring specialized treatment for long-term sustainability. Onsite wastewater treatment is the only solution for convenience stores where a centralized sewer system is not available. Having a properly engineered system will save money and prevent premature system replacement.
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If you own a business, or if you’re in charge of your company’s financial results, you probably ask yourself these questions on a regular basis: “How can we grow this?” and “How can we improve the bottom line?”
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In the past year we’ve seen a shift in the way many people are vacationing. There’s been a shift in demand for plane trips and hotel-based stays to motor homes and recreational vehicles (RVs). The increased interest in RV parks and campgrounds presents new challenges to property owners including wastewater treatment. Many of these parks are located well outside the boundaries of centralized sewer systems which means they require significant investment in decentralized treatment systems.
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