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Best Tools for Best Practices: There is More Than One Way to Design and Install a Septic System

  • Florida - Professional Engineers
  • Georgia - Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
  • Iowa Onsite Wastewater Association - IOWWA - CIOWTS
  • Maine - Local Plumbing Inspectors
  • Maine - Site Evaluator
  • Maine - Voluntary Certification for On-Site System Contractors
  • New Hampshire - Designers & Installers
  • New York - Land Surveyors
  • New York - Professional Engineers

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Get out of the same trench you have been digging, designing, or filling for the last 30 years. Septic design is not a plug and play business.  Every lot has unique characteristics that should be considered when designing and installing septic systems.  After covering Arizona for over a decade I have realized how important it is to have a state embracing new technologies and products as well as a design and installation community willing to look at each lot and install the septic system best suited for the lot.  From advanced treatment systems (ATU’s), Combine Treatment and Dispersal (CTD) and products for conventional systems, deciding what system components are best for the lot takes understanding your states regulations and knowing what technologies are available for optimal performance and functionality. 

Speaker Biography

Trevor Gillespie, Area Sales Representative

Trevor’s career in the building materials industry began in 1998 working for tool manufacturers including Stanley, Bosch, Skil and PorterCable.  He went on to sell building materials in Southern California for Prime Source Building Materials, one of the largest purveyors of fasteners in the world and one of the largest distributors of building materials in the world.  In 2013 Trevor began working for Infiltrator Water Technologies covering CA, NV and AZ as a sales representative.  Trevor’s industry involvement includes a current position as board member for the Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (AzOWRA) as well as a member of the California Onsite Water Association (COWA) and the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA).  Trevor is based in Thousand Oaks, CA.

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