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Sampling Onsite Wastewater Systems

  • Florida - Florida Professional Engineers – Live Webinars ONLY
  • Georgia - Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
  • Iowa Onsite Wastewater Association - IOWWA - CIOWTS
  • Maine - Local Plumbing Inspectors
  • Maine - Site Evaluator
  • Maine - Voluntary Certification for On-Site System Contractors
  • Nebraska - Onsite Wastewater System Contractors
  • New Hampshire - Designers & Installers
  • New York - Land Surveyors
  • New York - Professional Engineers

Join us for a FREE live webinar hosted by Infiltrator Water Technologies featuring members of our team. Please note all webinar times are Eastern Standard time.

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Collecting samples from onsite wastewater treatment systems may be required by rule although they are also an important tool for determining the overall health of the system or to provide assistance with troubleshooting a system that is not functioning properly. Regardless of the reason for collecting the sample, understanding the procedures, and following the proper protocols is important to ensure quality data and avoid any potential headaches associated with contamination of samples or invalid results. Various aspects of sampling will be discussed including; when and why to collect samples, field evaluation challenges, prescreening using test strips, and proper sampling techniques


Speaker Biography

Sheryl Ervin, P.G., Senior Regulatory Specialist 

Sheryl has worked in the onsite wastewater industry for 16 years, both as a state regulator and a manufacturer’s representative. Prior to joining Infiltrator Water Technologies in 2019 as a Senior Regulatory Specialist, she managed the state of Kansas source water protection program and held the position of Program Manager for the State of Kansas Local Environment Protection Program which managed the onsite wastewater program. Ms. Ervin has also worked in the environmental and oil industries. on the Kansas Small Flows Association Board of Directors, including five as treasurer, for four years on the SORA Board of Directors, including one as president, continues to actively participate in SORA as an industry member and has participated in NORWA and NSF work groups. She co-authored the SORA paper Decentralized Onsite Wastewater Technologies Sustainable Green Infrastructure Protects Source Water Quality and Public Health in 2017. Sheryl has a bachelor’ and master’s degree in Geology and is a licensed professional geoscientist in the state of Texas.

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