Infiltrator offers live webinars highlighting topics in the onsite wastewater industry on the third Wednesday of every month. Recordings of all live webinars are available to view here. Webinars are pre-approved for credit hours in select areas.
Upcoming WebinarsState Accredited WebinarsPast Webinars
Past Webinars
Overview of Infiltrator CM- and IM-Series Tanks
Specifying Solutions: A Guide to Wastewater Treatment Design and Product Choice
Sampling Onsite Wastewater Systems
Role of Onsite in Sustainable Community Development
Pipes, Pores, and Other Pathways – Hydraulic Engineering Principles for Onsite Installers
Specifying Combined Treatment and Dispersal (CTD) for Commercial Applications
What the Future Holds for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
Characterizing Commercial High Strength Wastewater