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wastewater treatment

Five Benefits of the Advanced Enviro-Septic Treatment System

The Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) treatment system is a passive, non-mechanical secondary wastewater treatment system that provides both effluent treatment and dispersal in the same small footprint. Since the 1990’s, AES has been installed in residential and commercial wastewater treatment applications throughout the United States, Canada, and internationally in Europe and Australia. In addition to holding NSF/ANSI 40 and BNQ certification, the AES treatment system offers several benefits to septic system installers and homeowners.

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Posted 1/15/2021

Six Tips for Designing Aerobic Treatment Unit Systems

Aerobic Treatment Units (ATUs) are advanced wastewater treatment systems that are alternatives on tight lots where there is no room for conventional treatment or on sites with poor environmental conditions that don’t allow for conventional treatment. Depending on the technology, some aerobic treatment plants can be used for treatment of high-strength wastewater or for nitrogen treatment. Here are six tips for designing ATUs:

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Posted 5/20/2020

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