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Funding for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems Through CWSRF

Approximately one in four American households rely on some form of decentralized wastewater treatment system. The impacts of non-existent or malfunctioning systems can include illness, and environmental degradation in communities. The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) provides financing resources for upgrading decentralized wastewater treatment systems throughout the United States.  

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by Carl Thompson, P.E.   | 

The Truth About Biomat

Biomat has often been referred to as a “progressive failure” of the drainfield, but it is quite the opposite. Biomat is part of the drainfield’s maturing process and plays a crucial role in its ability to evenly distribute and properly treat effluent.

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by Kevin Moreau  | 

Celebrating 35 Years of Innovation

This year Infiltrator Water Technologies celebrates 35 years of innovation in the onsite wastewater industry! Let's take a look back at where it all began and where we are today. 

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Posted 1/7/2022

Seven Tips for Creating a Strong Customer Outreach Program

Building customer loyalty and gaining new business is a constant challenge for any business. Customers can easily be targeted by social media, advertising and email campaigns that are used to entice them to do business elsewhere. It is important to have the tools to cultivate the loyalty of existing customers as well as attract new ones. There are several approaches that can lead to customer loyalty. We have seven tips to keep your customers coming back to you.

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by Donna Fiorentino  |