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Meet the Infiltrator Sales Development Representatives

One of the departments within our Old Saybrook, CT, office is our team of Sales Development Representatives. This team plays an integral role in the customer experience. They cover a diverse range of projects to facilitate our day-to-day business operations, and responsibilities which include responding to technical inquiries from customers, facilitating trainings and certifications, and assisting the Area Sales Representatives manage their territories. The team also assists in the continuing education of Infiltrator’s products through webinars and seminars.

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Posted 9/30/2022

Troubleshooting Odor Issues in Residential Aerobic Treatment Units

Oftentimes people relate septic systems with bad odor. The truth is that a properly functioning septic system should not produce any foul odors. There are times when a homeowner may notice some foul odor coming from their system, in which case, the need to troubleshoot the system arises. This blog post will highlight a few go-to troubleshooting tips and questions to ask a homeowner pertaining to foul odors that are emerging from their residential aerobic treatment unit, such as the ECOPOD-N, Whitewater DF Series, or ENVIRO-AIRE active wastewater treatment units manufactured by Infiltrator Water Technologies.

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by Brenda Faz  | 

A Look Ahead to the 2022 NOWRA Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference

The National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) will be holding their annual conference in Springfield, MO, this October. Like previous years, this remains a top national conference for our industry. We’re excited to be attending as exhibitors and several members of our team will be there to present live industry education.

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Posted 8/5/2022