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Defining Wastewater: Flows And Elements Of Wastewater Treatment Systems

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to present a webinar covering some wastewater basics, Wastewater 101. This one-hour session covered a wide range of wastewater topics starting with the reason we started to treat wastewater in the first place all the way through where we are today with what we know about wastewater and how we design effective treatment. Today, I would like to dive a bit deeper into terms surrounding wastewater system design. In order to design a wastewater treatment system it is important to first understand flow and what elements are required to be treated.

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by Aaron Burke, P.E.  | 

Infiltrator Donates Over 100 Septic Systems For Habitat Homes

Infiltrator became a Corporate Partner of Habitat for Humanity International in 2017. Through our partnership in Habitat’s Gifts In Kind (GIK) program Infiltrator donates product for septic systems to local Habitat affiliates throughout the United States. In addition to product and monetary donations, Infiltrator employees also volunteer their time to assist at Habitat home construction sites.

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Posted 8/14/2020

Five Tips for Designing a Cannabis Wastewater Treatment System

In the United States 11 states have completely legalized the use of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational use. Several other states have a mixed legalization status, based on medical use only and decriminalization. Marijuana is still fully illegal in only eight states. Cannabis is a multibillion-dollar industry and some studies project more than triple revenue growth over the next several years.

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by Brenda Faz  | 

Five Ways Infiltrator Products Positively Impact The Environment

For over 30 years, Infiltrator has applied science and technology to further the onsite industry’s goals of improved public health and better water quality. While we continue to make septic systems healthier, more reliable and longer lasting, we are committed to manufacture products that also help to conserve our precious natural resources.

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Posted 7/24/2020

Six Common Causes and Remedies for Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Malfunction

A well-maintained onsite wastewater treatment system can last decades. However, there are some instances where the onsite wastewater treatment system could malfunction prematurely, which can be due to a variety of factors based on the septic tank specifications, the surrounding environment, and water usage. The following highlights common causes of onsite wastewater treatment system malfunction and common solutions.

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by Dennis Hallahan, P.E.  |