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Extended Aeration Enviro-Aire Package Plant Meets Expanded Permit Parameters and Flows

Hattiesburg (MS) Laurel Regional Airport Authority had an undersized 20,000 GPD wastewater treatment system servicing the airport and local business park. Treated effluent discharges to a Pascagoula River Basin tributary. When the Authority applied for an updated permit for an increased flow of 50,000 GPD, the State conducted a waste load allocation study and imposed more stringent permit parameters including increasing BOD from 30 mg/L to 14 mg/L, 6.0 mg/L dissolved oxygen level and 2.0 mg/L total ammonia levels, and nutrient monitoring.

The selected extended aeration ENVIRO-AIRE Package Treatment Plant meets the 50,000 GPD requirement and new NPDES parameters and allows extensive operator control based on actual flows and loading. Extended aeration allows for efficient reduction of both BOD and ammonia. And given these were the two most stringent parameters on the newly issued NPDES permit for the facility, the design team felt this technology was the most appropriate.

Project Snapshot

50,000 GPD Extended Aeration ENVIRO-AIRE Package Treatment Plant Flow equalization chamber, aeration chamber, dual hopper-style clarifiers, aerated solids holding chamber, polishing sand filter, chlorination/dechlorination and post-aeration

Infiltrator Products Used:

Infiltrator Extended Aeration ENVIRO-AIRE Package Treatment Plant

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